Start your Sword Journey Today!
Joining the Chicago Swordplay Guild is as simple as signing-up for an introductory courses! Classes are held at our home gym, Forteza Fitness & Martial Arts. No previous experience is needed and no equipment is required. Just wear comfortable training clothes, athletic shoes, and bring a water-bottle.
*Note: During COVID restrictions, Forteza has limited attendance, so the Guild is conducting its Saturday classes in the great outdoors! Join us at Horner Park (corner of Western and Montrose), likely until August.
Taste of the Renaissance
In this introduction to our Renaissance Swordsmanship program, you will learn the fundamentals of wielding the rapier, the deadly dueling sword of the courtier and swashbuckler. Successful completion grants access to our on-going Renaissance Swordsmanship program.
The 6 week session runs Tuesday & Thursday from 6:00p – 7:30 pm.
The 12 week session runs Saturday from 10:00 – 11:30 am.
Taste of the Knightly Arts
Our introduction to Armizare, the martial art of the medieval knight, will teach you to wield the powerful, yet surprisingly elegant, two-handed longsword. Successful completion grants access to our on-going Armizare program.
The 6 week session runs Monday & Wednesday from 6:00 – 7:30 pm.
The 12 week session runs Saturday from 10:00 – 11:30 am.
Come Visit!
Due to Covid , visiting us at our home Studio, Forteza Fitness & Martial Arts, at 4437 N. Ravenswood, Chicago, IL (just north of the corner of Ravenswood and Montrose), is by appointment only.
You can always check us out on Saturday at Horner Park!
Come observe a class, talk to our instructors and just get a feel for what we have to offer.
We look forward to meeting you!