In this one-day seminar, CSG Free Scholar and Martial Blades Concepts (MBC) instructor Keith Jennings will present comprehensive instruction in the fundamental skills of the MBC system and the progressive training methods necessary to make them into defensive reflexes.
This seminar will provide step-by-step instruction in the fundamental skills of using a knife as a defensive weapon, including knife carry, high-speed deployment, recognition and identification of common street attacks, defensive responses, anatomical targeting, and the realities of knife stopping power.
Building on this foundation, we will introduce progressive training methods and reflex training drills to accelerate skill development and combat reflexes. Finally, we will include detailed instruction in MBC’s practical unarmed skills, empty-hand defenses against weapons (Counter-Blade Concepts), and practical joint-locking, restraint, and control tactics.
Students should bring purpose-designed training knives (ideally folding trainers that closely replicate your carry knife) and eye protection.
For additional info, contact Keith Jennings at
To preregister, email
WHEN: Sunday May 6th, 2012, 11:00 AM—5:00 PM
WHERE: Forteza Fitness and Martial Arts, 4437 N. Ravenswood Ave, Chicago, IL 60647 (East side of the railroad tracks, next to Nadeau Furniture)
Phone 773.271.3988
COST: $40 Law Enforcement/Military, $50 Civilians